Dear students
We are going to finish our course soon. So let´s we have a review of some of the topics covered in class.
Please watch the 9 video clips indicated below from the English bites website .
Write the answers and have them ready for next Monday April 7th (group 413) and Tuesday April 8th (group 403).
1. Read the questions you have to answer.
2. Watch the video clips completely at least 2 times.
3. Watch the clips again and take notes to answer the questions.
Write 4 possible answers mentioned in the video clips to the following questions
1. Do you like the weather?
2. What do you like about the market?
3. What do you study?
4. What is your name? Where do you live?
5. What do you like?
6.a. How do you get to uni (university)?
6.b. How long does it take to get to uni?
7. What is Emma´s occupation?
8. How much is that?
9.What are you doing?
Give me a surprise and show at leat two of the video clips in your cell phone.
Have lots of fun.

1 comentario:
Hello teacher! Le mando un cordial saludo desde la mediateca :)
Mi comentario es para decirle que ayer no pude acabar en 1 hora que usted muy amablemente me dio para acompletar mi examen. La busque para avisarle pero ya no la encontre. Ayer de aqui no me fui hasta que lo termine porque oportunidades como la que usted me dio son escasas y hay que aprovecharlas. Hoy pense que vendria a la prepa pero pus no. Le podre entregar mi trabajo el lunes? De verdad que ayer por mas rapido que lo estaba haciendo o pude acabar. Lr agradexco su atención.
Besos! Vania Bañuelos 413
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